Did you know that our Dermatologist, Dr. Carley Fowler has extensive experience diagnosing and treating hair loss? There are many different types of hair loss in both men and women. It is very important that a board-certified dermatologist evaluate your scalp and your hair before you undertake any treatments. Dr. Fowler can help you determine the type of hair loss you are experiencing.
When you see our board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Carley Fowler, she will first ask about the details of your hair loss and do a thorough examination of your scalp. If needed, bloodwork might be checked to rule out underlying conditions. In addition, in certain situations a scalp biopsy may be necessary.
Once Dr. Fowler has determined which type or types of hair loss you have, a tailored treatment plan will be made for you. This plan may include topical medications, oral medications, steroid injections, or platelet rich plasma therapy or PRP.